How to make crispy roast potatoes: Mary Berry’s ‘best’ recipe only needs 3 ingredients

Roast potatoes with a Sunday meal is a classic pairing, but there is a simple way to get crispier potatoes with only a handful of ingredients. Masry Berry has shared that the secret to getting “perfect” roast potatoes only takes three ingredients but it all depends on the type of potato you use. In her … Read more

Mary Berry shares delicious recipe for scalloped potatoes

Potatoes can be cooked in so many different ways though boiled, steamed, or mashed are among the most popular methods for a quick meal. That said, they are often the most bland ways to serve earthy spuds unlike creamy dauphinoise or seasoned chips. With Mary Berry’s expert recipe, it’s easy to cook delicious potato gratin … Read more

Make Mary Berry’s ‘impressive’ coffee cake in one hour

A delicious homemade cake is the perfect afternoon treat, served on its own or with a steaming hot cup of tea. Coffee-lovers will find this recipe by Mary Berry hard to resist; a layered coffee sponge with a fluffy buttercream filling. Sharing the recipe from her cookbook Mary Berry’s Simple Comforts, the chef described the … Read more

How to cook Mary Berry’s ‘melt in the mouth roast beef recipe’ – under 30 minutes to prep

Mary Berry has shared a plethora of recipes households can cook that make up a roast dinner. From her extra crispy potatoes and parsnips to her tall Yorkshire puddings, this roast beef recipe is perfect to pair with them. With this recipe, Mary claims that the beef will be “tender” and “melt in the mouth”. … Read more

Mary Berry’s blueberry and summer fruits cheesecake recipe is incredibly easy to bake

It is National Blueberry Cheesecake Day on May 26, which may seem like a peculiar holiday but is the perfect excuse to treat yourself to something delicious and homebaked. Mary Berry’s classic blueberry and fruit cheesecake recipe is a colourful and mouth-watering dish which is perfect to make for anyone looking forward to the summer. … Read more

Mary Berry shares delicious Croque Monsieur toastie recipe

Sandwiches can be made with almost any ingredients layered between two slices of bread, though ham and cheese is one of the most popular combinations. Loved worldwide for its simplicity and flavour, this toasted French creation is known as Croque Monsieur. While there are so many different ways to make this delicious toasted sandwich, Mary … Read more

Mary Berry’s coffee sponge cake recipe can be made in 30 minutes

Coffee cake is the perfect treat to pair with a cup of tea and is incredibly easy to make as long as you have the right recipe. Mary Berry’s coffee sponge sandwich cake only takes five minutes to prepare before it bakes in the oven for 25 to 30 minutes, making a speedy and simple … Read more

Mary Berry uses one cheap ingredient for a ‘hearty’ lamb stew

Few things say comfort food more than a delicious stew, and Mary Berry has the ideal recipe for those craving a lamb-based dish. Sharing a recipe for braised lamb with sweet potato and haricot beans from her cookbook Simple Comforts, Mary described the dish as “a hearty family stew”. She said: “This is full of … Read more

Mary Berry’s seasonal creamy chicken dish is ‘so easy’ to prepare

Chicken is arguably the most versatile meat and pairs perfectly with seasonal greens. Asparagus is the epitome of a British spring vegetable, grown widely across the UK. Norfolk, Kent and The Vale of Evesham, Worcestershire are all particularly well-known spots for some of the nation’s best asparagus and are well-placed in this recipe by Mary … Read more

Mary Berry’s roast pork recipe has the ‘brilliant crackling’

Mary Berry is not just a baking whizz but also has a range of hearty family meal recipes – one of which is her slow-roast pork which she has perfected the crackling for. When it comes to the crunch, it’s hard to resist a plate of tender roast pork with perfect crispy crackling. Roast pork … Read more