How to use external storage with an iPhone or iPad

While cloud storage has made things a bit less troublesome, most people will eventually max out the available space on their iPad or iPhone. From games and apps to music and more, there are thousands of files vying for your SSD — and even if you pick up a model with a 1TB SSD, there’s … Read more

The best iPads in 2024: the 5 best ones you should buy

Apple’s iPad is undoubtedly one of the most popular tablets on the market right now. There are several different models to choose from, but no matter which one you go with, you’ll be getting one of the best tablets out there. Still, Apple provides an abundance of choice here, and with so many different versions … Read more

When the iPad is a better computer than my PC

Mark Coppock / Digital Trends Can the iPad work as a real computer? I’m well aware that I’m not first to raise this question. It is, however, the first time for me to ask the question of myself. After all, everyone’s needs for a proper “computer” are different, and I’ve never given it a fair … Read more