Amazon’s new fees on sellers likened to ‘kick in the gut’ Inc. merchants have found themselves caught in an economic vice. Earlier this year, the e-commerce giant rolled out changes to the fees its charges them — essentially shifting more of its operating costs onto the small businesses that account for most of the products sold on the site. Making matters worse for merchants, shoppers … Read more

Georgia to Washington: Butt out! – POLITICO

At the time, these comments aided “the facilitation of violence from foreign funded actors and to the support of revolutionary processes back then,” he added. On Tuesday evening, Georgia’s security forces used tear gas and riot shields to disperse crowds of demonstrators protesting against the law in Tbilisi, prompting Western politicians and local officials to express … Read more

Dozens arrested at pro-EU protest in Georgia – POLITICO

Georgia’s human rights ombudsman, Levan Ioselian, has since issued a statement condemning the police response as having “contradicted the standard of necessary and proportionate intervention.” The public defender called for an investigation into the use of “disproportionate force” and apparent targeting of journalists covering the events. Meanwhile, the mayor of Tbilisi, Georgian Dream politician Kakha … Read more

Georgian parliament backs ‘Russia-style’ foreign agent law despite major protests – POLITICO

While Ivanishvili devoted his speech to calling out the enemies attacking Georgia, he didn’t namecheck Russia, even though Moscow occupies 20 percent of Georgian territories, backing local proxies in the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. He also vowed that the United National Movement, Georgia’s largest bloc of opposition MPs, would face “harsh political … Read more

Georgia deploys tear gas, water cannon against pro-EU protesters amid ‘Russian law’ outcry – POLITICO

Escalation violates standards Despite the criticism, Georgian Dream has insisted the new rules are needed to protect the country’s sovereignty. Parliamentarians are expected to vote in favor of the bill at a second reading Wednesday. In a bombastic speech at a rally outside the parliament on Monday night, prominent oligarch and former Prime Minister Bidzina … Read more

Georgia to host development summit; climate change, aging on agenda

SYDNEY —  The Asian Development Bank holds its annual meeting in Tbilisi, Georgia, next week, with discussions on climate change and the world’s aging population high on the agenda. The four-day summit, starting Thursday, marks the first time that the ADB’s 68 members have gathered for a meeting in Georgia, which joined the multilateral development … Read more

Georgia not ready for EU, says ruling party – POLITICO

“If we are told that tomorrow we will become a member of the EU, then it will be possible to very easily cancel it, revise, transform or adopt a new one,” Garibashvili said. At the same time, he claimed that “there is no consensus a country can become a member of the EU today” because … Read more

US slams Georgia’s ‘Kremlin-inspired’ foreign agent bill – POLITICO

The rules would require NGOs, campaign groups and media outlets that receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to register as agents of “foreign influence.” If adopted, Miller said, the measures “could limit freedom of expression, stigmatize organizations that deliver these benefits to the citizens of Georgia, and impede independent media organizations working to provide Georgians with access to high … Read more

Punch-up in Georgia’s parliament! Ruling party leader assaulted over ‘Russian law’ – POLITICO

The government says the move, which will apply to NGOs, campaign groups and media outlets that receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad, is necessary to prevent undue influence over Georgian politics. Critics, however, liken it to Russia’s own foreign agent law that has been used to stifle dissent in the country, … Read more

Move over, eclipse. A rare, double brood of lustful cicadas are about to take over the skies

As It Happens6:37So long, solar eclipse. An even rarer phenomenon is about to take over the skies Floyd Shockley is planning a road trip to witness a rare natural event that will darken skies across much of the United States — a convergence not of celestial bodies, but of two massive broods of flying, screaming, lustful insects. … Read more