Very few sockeye have passed Chilcotin River landslide area: DFO

Very few sockeye have passed Chilcotin River landslide area: DFO

While sockeye salmon have been able to migrate past obstructions from the Chilcotin River landslide, the run is projected to be far lower than average.  At the end of July, a landslide across the Chilcotin River at Farwell Canyon, about 285 kilometres north of Vancouver, blocked the flow of water. More than a week later, … Read more

What killed and ate a really big shark? An even bigger shark, scientists say

What killed and ate a really big shark? An even bigger shark, scientists say

As It Happens6:05What killed and ate a really big shark? An even bigger shark, scientists say When marine biologist James A. Sulikowski started monitoring the migration and mating habits of porbeagle sharks, he didn’t expect he would end up investigating a murder mystery. But when Penelope, a 2.4-metre-long porbeagle, dropped off his research team’s radar, … Read more

Easy Dinners for Right Now

Easy Dinners for Right Now

Summer is hot dogs and ice pops, shaggy dinners at dusk, the melting mixture of energy and malaise that gives the season its shape. But that’s not fall. Fall is crisp. Fall is orderly. There’s no malaise and no melt. Those anything-goes August dinners give way to meal plans sketched out on Sunday and empty … Read more

Five Weeknight Dishes: Summery 20-Minute Dinner recipes

Five Weeknight Dishes: Summery 20-Minute Dinner recipes

It’s easy to gush over summer food, to feel grateful for the generous produce and farmers that have eased our cooking lives. Thank you for the juicy spills of tomatoes and stone fruit, for the smell of basil leaves and melon rinds and for all the color and crunch. I’m also sentimental for the staccato … Read more

Calgary is moving past peak mosquito activity, but a new species is still buzzing around

Calgary is moving past peak mosquito activity, but a new species is still buzzing around

Although cooler fall temperatures are coming, which local experts say usually drives down mosquito populations, one researcher says Calgary isn’t totally in the clear yet A relatively new species is likely hitting its peak population now, according to John Soghigian, an assistant professor of parasitology at the University of Calgary. The Culex pipiens, also referred to … Read more

Quebec fish market reels in customers with 385-kg tuna — its biggest catch yet

Quebec fish market reels in customers with 385-kg tuna — its biggest catch yet

When Sarah Landry first heard a fishing line fly off its reel, she never imagined a 385-kilogram tuna was on the other end. The co-owner of fish market Poissonnerie Gagnon in Rimouski, Que., had travelled to the Baie-des-Chaleurs, wedged between the Gaspé Peninsula and New Brunswick, with two fishermen hoping of catching a bluefin tuna typically weighing … Read more

Giant scorpions once ruled seas — and may have traversed entire oceans 

Giant scorpions once ruled seas — and may have traversed entire oceans 

As It Happens6:21Giant scorpions once ruled seas — and may have traversed entire oceans Asked to rank giant sea scorpions on a scale of one to terrifying, Russell Bicknell puts them at about an eight. “I suppose it depends how you define terrifying,” Bicknell, a paleobiologist at the American Museum of Natural History, told As … Read more

Report shows salmon numbers slowing from B.C. landslide

Report shows salmon numbers slowing from B.C. landslide

A new report is providing some early insight on how last month’s landslide into the Chilcotin River affected the run of salmon that swims up the Chilcotin and Fraser rivers every year to reproduce.  Monitoring efforts reveal the number of salmon that head upstream during August has slowed — but the exact scale of the disruption isn’t yet clear.  “The … Read more

Bigg’s killer whale sightings continue upward trend in Salish Sea

Bigg’s killer whale sightings continue upward trend in Salish Sea

The Pacific Whale Watch Association (PWWA), which is made up of whale watching companies in B.C. and Washington state, says sightings of Bigg’s killer whales in the Salish Sea are up significantly this year, continuing a trend that has been observed for several years. The group says the sightings are consistent with an increase in Bigg’s … Read more