Europe’s AI competitiveness hinges on skills – POLITICO

Europe’s AI competitiveness hinges on skills – POLITICO

First, AI professionals in the EU lead in green skills — performing jobs in a more environmentally sustainable way — compared with their peers in the US and UK. Today, 8.1 percent of AI talent in the EU have at least one green skill, compared with 5.8 percent in the US and 7.4 percent in … Read more

il s’appelle Donald Trump – POLITICO

il s’appelle Donald Trump – POLITICO

“Trump n’a jamais été aussi enthousiaste à l’idée de reconnaître l’UE comme interlocuteur”, lance un troisième diplomate européen, pince-sans-rire. Les diplomates de l’UE se sont exprimés sous couvert d’anonymat afin d’évoquer librement les relations délicates avec Washington. Même si Trump ne prendra ses fonctions qu’en janvier, on sait déjà à quoi ressemblera l’épreuve de force … Read more

Macron’s got a shiny new Notre-Dame and it’s sure to dazzle Trump – POLITICO

Macron’s got a shiny new Notre-Dame and it’s sure to dazzle Trump – POLITICO

So much has changed since Trump first took office in January 2017 and Macron ascended four months later. Russia is fighting a war in Europe; Israel is engaged in bloody conflict with militant groups on its doorstep; the U.K. has left the EU; and France’s political system is now paralyzed, with the far right poised … Read more

Kallas gave top EU official the ax and governments aren’t happy – POLITICO

Kallas gave top EU official the ax and governments aren’t happy – POLITICO

Juhansone, a former Latvian ambassador, who is currently the top EU official at the Commission, is a close ally of Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and her chief of staff Bjoern Seibert.  Should Juhansone clinch the top job at the EEAS it could be seen as a power grab by von der Leyen, who … Read more

EU’s top diplomat demands answers from von der Leyen on embassy cuts plan – POLITICO

EU’s top diplomat demands answers from von der Leyen on embassy cuts plan – POLITICO

“I don’t know whose plan it is, but it’s not my plan,” said Kallas, who is the top authority inside the EEAS and is responsible for its operations.  Kallas said she had talked to her boss, European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen and the two “tried to, you know, look into … where is … Read more

Franco-German fight over South American trade deal threatens EU rupture – POLITICO

Franco-German fight over South American trade deal threatens EU rupture – POLITICO

For the French, von der Leyen’s Montevideo trip is anathema. Hatred of the Mercosur deal with Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia permeates the whole political class. The French fear the accord will undermine their farmers with a tide of cheap poultry and beef from Latin America — and will whip up popular rage against … Read more

les négociations s’achèvent, pendant que la France vacille – POLITICO

les négociations s’achèvent, pendant que la France vacille – POLITICO

Trois jours seulement après avoir pris ses fonctions, Maroš Šefčovič, le nouveau commissaire européen au Commerce, a des “contacts supplémentaires avec ses homologues, également dans les prochaines heures”, a indiqué Sabine Weyand, la cheffe de la DG Commerce, aux eurodéputés mardi, confirmant des informations de POLITICO. A première vue, l’Allemagne — et sa représentante à … Read more

Slovak PM scolds new EU top team over Ukraine support – POLITICO

Slovak PM scolds new EU top team over Ukraine support – POLITICO

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico criticized the European Union’s new foreign policy chief, Kaja Kallas, and Council President António Costa for expressing support for Ukraine on behalf of the bloc on Monday. He said had he conveyed those sentiments in a phone call with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen earlier in the day. … Read more

Von der Leyen is creating a task force to turn Draghi report into reality – POLITICO

Von der Leyen is creating a task force to turn Draghi report into reality – POLITICO

Von der Leyen has made Draghi’s suggestions the center of her second term as Commission president, incorporating their main conclusions ― apart from joint EU borrowing ― in the political program she asked the European Parliament to support over the summer. Presenting her new team before the Parliament on Wednesday, von der Leyen announced the … Read more

Elon Musk blasts ‘undemocratic’ EU in ongoing feud – POLITICO

Elon Musk blasts ‘undemocratic’ EU in ongoing feud – POLITICO

On Wednesday, Parliament approved the set of 26 commissioners, with 370 MEPs voting in favor, 282 voting against and 36 abstaining. Their confirmation marked the end of a monthslong transition process, which began with June’s European election and saw weeks of political infighting between the bloc’s left- and right-wing groups.  Commissioners — one from each … Read more