Jamie Oliver’s toffee pudding is made with one unusual ingredient to make it even tastier

Sticky toffee pudding is a classic British dessert – and Jamie Oliver has a twist on the traditional recipe to make it even better. The famous chef has insisted that adding dates to this pudding recipe gives it a caramel-like flavour, which helps enhance it to make it even more flavourful In his cookbook ‘Simple … Read more

I made a microwave sticky toffee pudding mug cake in five minutes – recipe

On a cold, wintery evening, there’s nothing better than a warming sticky, sweet treat and this sticky toffee pudding mug cake is just that. Sweet, sticky, decadent and indulgent, this recipe is everything you want from a pudding and is also super simple to whip up using a mug and a microwave. Sticky toffee pudding, … Read more

Gingerbread sticky toffee pudding is the perfect ‘special occasion dessert’ – recipe

Traditional sticky toffee pudding consists of a delicious moist sponge cake, chopped dates and toffee sauce. There are many different sticky toffee pudding variations from Gordon Ramsay’s 10-minute version to Nigella Lawson’s decadent recipe. Aber Falls Whisky Distillery based in North Wales has shared a decadent and delicious recipe with Express.co.uk that’s the perfect treat … Read more

Gordon Ramsay’s 10-minute sticky toffee pudding is easily made without a oven

If you are looking for a no-fuss dessert that can be baked from scratch within minutes, then look no further than Gordon Ramsay’s sticky toffee pudding. Sticky toffee pudding is not a difficult recipe to make, but it can be time-consuming. However, legendary cook Gordon Ramsay, who has perfect the likes of an authentic Bolognese … Read more