Beijing rejects Taiwan leader’s offer on tourism and student exchanges, saying Lai is ‘insincere, more radical’

The mainland’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) released another strongly worded statement on Tuesday evening, saying Lai’s attitude in his inauguration remarks was “extremely rampant” while “his advocacy is even more radical” than before. “The entire speech was filled with antagonism and provocation, lies and deception – the ‘Taiwan independence’ stance is even more radical and … Read more

Taiwan and China: Different views across the strait

KINMEN, Taiwan: Standing on the shore of Taiwan’s Kinmen island, Taiwanese tourists snap photos of the skyline of China’s Xiamen city that is clearly visible across the sliver of water separating them. For the best view of Xiamen’s skyscrapers, visitors stand on a beach where anti-landing spikes jut out – a reminder of when the … Read more

Taiwan election: Beijing gives details on Fujian cross-strait ‘model zone’, 3 days before island votes in new president

This comes four months after Beijing announced sweeping guidelines on an “ interconnected living” plan for Taiwan and Fujian, the southeastern mainland province geographically and culturally closest to the island. 10:34 What Taiwan’s presidential election will mean for China, the US and the world What Taiwan’s presidential election will mean for China, the US and … Read more