Mandira Bedi talks about suffering postpartum depression; reveals she didn’t feel ‘connected’ to her newborn son |

Mandira Bedi shared her experience of becoming a mother for the first time and discussed her battles with postpartum depression. She candidly talked about the challenges she faced during this period, offering insights into her emotional struggles and the journey to overcoming them.Mandira revealed that her initial reaction to her newborn was far from affectionate, … Read more

First Pill for Postpartum Depression Offers New Hope for New Mothers

After childbirth, approximately one in five women experience postnatal depression, also known as postpartum depression, according to the National Library of Medicine. This medical condition is often diagnosed when new mothers exhibit symptoms of extreme sadness, anxiety, or dejection following childbirth, as reported by the non-profit organization March of Dimes, which is dedicated to improving … Read more

Docs: Lack of sleep big worry, new moms must seek med aid

NEW DELHI: The 34-year-old Ramya recently had a baby. Balancing a demanding corporate job, Ramya was experiencing challenges with her new role as a mother, particularly with getting enough sleep. It’s a bane that all new parents face but in her case, sleeplessness became so serious it started affecting her mental health.“I had to finally … Read more