6 Traits to Look For in Your Next Boss

6 Traits to Look For in Your Next Boss

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. When searching for roles, we often overlook the impact an exceptional manager or boss can have on our work life and ultimately our career’s growth trajectory. While it’s important to evaluate an organization holistically (i.e. its mission, accolades and reputation), it’s just as important to understand who … Read more

Why deathbed dreams and visions can be a comfort for the dying — and those left behind

Why deathbed dreams and visions can be a comfort for the dying — and those left behind

The Current23:09What dying people see in their dreams As Charlotte Good was dying of pancreatic cancer in a Toronto hospital in 2007, she experienced a dream or vision of her own mother — who had died years before. Charlotte’s daughter, Cynthia Good, was staying over that night and sensed that she’d sat up. “I got … Read more

The One Interviewing Technique Guaranteed to Get You the Truth

The One Interviewing Technique Guaranteed to Get You the Truth

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. We interview people every day of our lives to get information that will help us make wise decisions. Whether you are a doctor or patient, salesperson or buyer, screening a new hire, or you are the new hire, we ask questions to get answers to make safer … Read more