Chinese students join military as stepping stone to university degree

Chinese students join military as stepping stone to university degree

In the last of a four-part series on China’s universities and campus life, Alcott Wei investigates why army life has become an attractive option for many of the country’s young people in their quest for a university degree. Read the third part here. For Alan Yuan, joining China’s military wasn’t so much about the lofty … Read more

China’s university students in fierce battle for majors with best job prospects

China’s university students in fierce battle for majors with best job prospects

In the third of a four-part series on China’s universities and campus life, Alcott Wei asks why students are finding it so hard to switch disciplines once they reach university, in contrast to the previous generation which prioritised getting into the most prestigious institutions. Read the second part here. John Fan, an undergraduate at Changan … Read more

China’s urban-rural gap is a threat to growth. Is the divide too wide to fix?

China’s urban-rural gap is a threat to growth. Is the divide too wide to fix?

She managed to survive the fierce competition. After her graduation from Fudan, she expanded her master’s thesis on the gap between urban and rural students at top universities in China, and her findings were published early last year. Zheng’s book, which discusses class differences from a sociological perspective, is one of the most prominent of … Read more

‘Millions benefited’: why generations see Deng Xiaoping as the architect of modern China

‘Millions benefited’: why generations see Deng Xiaoping as the architect of modern China

“Our generation boldly ventured into uncharted waters … we ‘crossed the river by feeling the stones’,” she said, referring to the metaphor Deng used to describe China’s gradual approach to those policies. Guo, who had recently graduated with a major in English translation, started at the company as an assistant earning 8,400 yuan a year. … Read more

Chinese students voice hopes for Mideast peace in rare public political stand

Chinese students voice hopes for Mideast peace in rare public political stand

But a number of short videos posted online also showed students voicing support for Palestine. By Monday afternoon, the final day of the exams, many of the original posts of media interviews with those students were no longer available on the Chinese version of TikTok called Douyin, the WeChat video channel or the X-like Weibo. … Read more

Chinese provinces bring in AI to stop cheating in gaokao university entrance exams

Chinese provinces bring in AI to stop cheating in gaokao university entrance exams

A number of Chinese provinces have used artificial intelligence to monitor the national college entrance examination, or gaokao, and crack down on cheating and other violations. A record number of 13.42 million students have registered this year for the exams, which start on Saturday, according to the Ministry of Education. Provinces including Guangdong and Hainan … Read more