Alibaba connects Taobao and 1688 to tap new users as fierce e-commerce competition ratchets higher

Alibaba Group Holding is integrating the services of its online wholesale marketplace 1688 with its flagship consumer shopping platform Taobao, as the e-commerce giant continues to consolidate assets amid internal restructuring and rising competition. Taobao has recently featured three online stores under the 1688 name as it pushes to win over new users, according to … Read more

Alibaba launches AI-assisted slide-deck creation tool through cloud storage platform Quark

Quark’s new service, called AI PPT, lets users create their own topics or choose from a list that includes options, such as an online marketing campaign, a business plan, or product launch event. Once users confirm an outline generated by the app, it will produce a relevant slide deck based on a design template. The … Read more