Opinion | The Bear season 3 gets it wrong – restaurants can be a positive place, says real-life chef

Katie Button is the co-founder and chief brand officer of Katie Button Restaurants, which operates Cúrate Tapas Bar in Asheville, North Carolina, in the US. In the past, she has staged at leading restaurants such as El Bulli in Spain and Jean-Georges in New York. One of the selling points of the smash hit drama … Read more

‘Glamorising’ crime to create buzz for business shows lack of awareness about history, experts say

POPULARISED BY ENTERTAINMENT The experts CNA spoke to said such a lack of awareness could not be solely attributed to a generational disconnect.  “Young marketing teams may not fully grasp the historical context or the depth of the atrocities associated with these figures. This … can lead to missteps in branding that offend or alienate,” … Read more

Italian ambassador to Singapore takes Amoy Street restaurant to task for mafia references

SINGAPORE: An Italian restaurant in Singapore has apologised for any offence caused by references to the mafia, after the Italian ambassador said the name of the business and an event named Hip Hop Mafioso were of “dubious taste”.  Gotti Italiano, located at Amoy Street, said it will “consider all options moving forward” in naming the … Read more