Loss of cooking skills has hurt our ability to adapt to rising food prices, experts say

Loss of cooking skills has hurt our ability to adapt to rising food prices, experts say

Cost of Living1:56Mike von Massow Skyrocketing prices have taken a big bite out of what Canadians are able to serve up for dinner but food economists say our ability to cope has been worsened by our collective decline in cooking skills. “We are less able to cook than we were 30 or 40 years ago, … Read more

Research reveals how technology, economics can help save endangered species

Research reveals how technology, economics can help save endangered species

WASHINGTON DC: The world has evolved dramatically in the 50 years since the Endangered Species Act (ESA) was passed in December 1973.Two Ohio State University academics were among a group of experts invited by the journal Science to explore how the ESA has evolved and what its future may hold.Tanya Berger-Wolf, faculty director of Ohio … Read more