Trump spurs red tape bonfire for EU finance rules. Just don’t call it deregulation. – POLITICO

Trump spurs red tape bonfire for EU finance rules. Just don’t call it deregulation. – POLITICO

“Recent moves to delay and dilute vital regulatory protections reflect a worrying trend where ‘competitiveness’ is repeatedly used as a pretext to weaken essential safeguards against financial risks,” he said. Now, with Donald Trump returning to the White House in a matter of weeks, the future of the rules looks uncertain — which creates a … Read more

Eurozone faces no 2010 wildfire, but a slow-burn decline – POLITICO

Eurozone faces no 2010 wildfire, but a slow-burn decline – POLITICO

Only, some in the boat are baling and paddling more vigorously than others. As Bank of France Governor François Villeroy de Galhau told a radio interviewer recently, France is alone in not having made the reforms that many of its neighbors (“even the Italians!”) have made since the last crisis. And, while political will at … Read more

EU mulls emergency aid for collapsing solar producers – POLITICO

EU mulls emergency aid for collapsing solar producers – POLITICO

The talks come as the European Solar Manufacturing Council (ESMC), the body representing photovoltaic producers, this week sent a letter to Brussels appealing for “urgent” measures including a swift, EU-led buyout of their inventories. The group argues that subsidized Chinese mass production of solar modules — which currently sell for half the price of their … Read more