Storing eggs: Expert’s hack will keep eggs fresh for 5 weeks

Storing eggs: Expert’s hack will keep eggs fresh for 5 weeks

Eggs are a staple part of many people’s food shops, and whilst they typically do have a long shelf life, common mistakes can make this shorter. When arranging groceries in the fridge, it’s tempting to tuck eggs neatly into the fridge door in order to save space. However, according to storage expert Adam Oakley from … Read more

How to keep eggs fresh longer on the fridge – 1 common spot to ‘never’ keep them

How to keep eggs fresh longer on the fridge – 1 common spot to ‘never’ keep them

Eggs may have a decent shelf life wherever they’re stored correctly, but their freshness can plummet rapidly if kept in the wrong spots. If you crack an egg and it splays out with a watery white, that’s a telltale sign of staleness. Figuring this out usually means breaking them open, but there’s a trick to … Read more

Keep eggs fresh for longer by storing them the ‘American way’, says chef

Keep eggs fresh for longer by storing them the ‘American way’, says chef

When it comes to keeping eggs fresh, the debate whether they belong in the fridge or at room temperature on the kitchen counter seems to be never-ending. But to Mary Berry, there is only one way to do it: the so-called American way. The esteemed baker shed light on a critical mistake many make, as … Read more

How to keep eggs fresh longer than two months, according to food expert

How to keep eggs fresh longer than two months, according to food expert

Eggs are a staple item in most kitchens, but exactly where to store them is still one of those much-debated subjects. While some households keep them in the cupboard, arguing that they aren’t refrigerated in the supermarkets, others always have them in the fridge. While most agree UK eggs are safe to keep in the … Read more

Man branded ‘insane’ over egg storing method – but people on his side

Man branded ‘insane’ over egg storing method – but people on his side

The correct way to store eggs has been a topic of debate for years. Some people swear by storing their eggs in a cupboard, while others will always put a brand-new box of eggs directly into the fridge. It’s something that people have argued over for decades, and there still doesn’t seem to be a … Read more

Get fresher and longer-lasting eggs by storing them the American way

Get fresher and longer-lasting eggs by storing them the American way

The best place to store eggs has often been a controversial topic, as there is an ongoing debate if the fridge or countertop keeps them fresher.  In the UK, it is more common to keep eggs stored on the countertop at room temperature while in America they are more likely to store them cold in … Read more

Everyday activity is the reason ‘eggs go rotten’ faster

Everyday activity is the reason ‘eggs go rotten’ faster

A storage expert has settled the debate of whether to store eggs in the cupboard or keep them chilled in the fridge, declaring the fridge as the best place overall. However, even if you store your eggs in the fridge, the exact spot in the fridge could be the reason your eggs go rotten much … Read more

Storage method keeps eggs at ‘optimal freshness’ for 5 weeks

Storage method keeps eggs at ‘optimal freshness’ for 5 weeks

Eggs won’t go off instantly at home but there are a few food storage hacks worth knowing to preserve their taste and texture. This is especially important for keeping the whites of eggs intact and stopping them from turning watery. While there’s no official guidance that suggests eggs from the UK must be refrigerated, a health … Read more

Eggs will keep fresh for ‘two months or longer’ if stored the ‘right’ American way

Eggs will keep fresh for ‘two months or longer’ if stored the ‘right’ American way

Brits and Americans do many things differently and enjoy poking fun at each other – but it turns it the US is correct when it comes to egg food storage.  It has often been debated if eggs will keep fresher for longer if stored the ‘British way’ on the countertop or the ‘American way’ which … Read more

How to keep eggs fresh for longer and at optimum quality if stored in the ‘best place’

How to keep eggs fresh for longer and at optimum quality if stored in the ‘best place’

Eggs are a staple ingredient for most, however, if stored incorrectly they can be deemed unsafe to eat or their flavour can end up getting disrupted. To keep them in great condition, experts at Egg Info have shared how to store them. They first claim that eggs should be stored in the packaging they came … Read more