Storage method keeps eggs at ‘optimal freshness’ for 5 weeks

Eggs won’t go off instantly at home but there are a few food storage hacks worth knowing to preserve their taste and texture. This is especially important for keeping the whites of eggs intact and stopping them from turning watery. While there’s no official guidance that suggests eggs from the UK must be refrigerated, a health … Read more

How to preserve eggs for up to a year with handy food storage hack

Eggs are healthy and versatile making them a great staple ingredient all the time they’re fresh. But when it comes to keeping them for more than a few weeks after bringing them home, some storage methods fare better than others. While some people swear by the kitchen counter to store shopbought eggs, others won’t keep … Read more

Keep eggs fresh and avoid watery whites with chef’s storage tip – ‘the only option’

Eggs have a relatively long shelf life but when it comes to their taste and texture, proper food storage matters. While some people think keeping them in the fridge is enough, there’s more that needs to be done to keep them as fresh as possible. No matter their size, or whether they’re organic or not, … Read more

‘Simple trick’ to keep eggs as fresh as possible

Eggs are so versatile: scrambled, poached, boiled, or fried eggs are all delicious, and they are even key in baking. When it comes to storing eggs, you may see beautiful spiral egg holders that would look great in your kitchen, but experts advise against this method for storing eggs. The British Lion, the UK’s food … Read more

How to keep eggs fresh for longer and at optimum quality if stored in the ‘best place’

Eggs are a staple ingredient for most, however, if stored incorrectly they can be deemed unsafe to eat or their flavour can end up getting disrupted. To keep them in great condition, experts at Egg Info have shared how to store them. They first claim that eggs should be stored in the packaging they came … Read more

Eggs will stay fresh for ‘at least 66 days’ with pro storage method

Eggs can be stored in so many different places in the home, including the fridge, their carton or a basket on the kitchen counter. While there’s no single right answer as to exactly where they should be kept, their longevity depends on it. According to the experts at Professionals Secrets, their foolproof method is perfect for … Read more

Eggs will ‘last twice as long’ in the fridge but avoid this one spot

Eggs do have a long shelf life regardless of where they’re kept but they can quickly deteriorate in freshness when stored in certain places. When an egg broken onto a flat surface has a watery, spread-out white, this usually indicates that the egg is stale. While this is hard to determine without cracking them open, … Read more

Where to store eggs to keep them ‘eggs-tra fresh’ for much longer

How to store eggs to keep them fresh  According to Ollie, eggs need a cool consistent temperature to stop them from spoiling. This means eggs should be placed somewhere in the fridge but not in the doorway, as the movement from opening the fridge will disrupt the temperature.   Ollie wrote: “A temperature of 4°C or … Read more