Viktor Orbán has not asked to join right-wing EU Parliament group, spokesperson says – POLITICO

BRUSSELS — Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has not officially asked to join the right-wing European Parliament group dominated by the Brothers of Italy and Poland’s Law & Justice party, despite having said that he was holding negotiations, according to a spokesperson. At a press conference with international media last month, Orbán indicated that he … Read more

Charles Michel to run for EU election, triggering top job scramble – POLITICO

European Council President Charles Michel will run as a candidate for the European parliamentary election in June, he told three Belgian media outlets. A spokesperson for Michel confirmed the announcement to POLITICO. Michel plans to take up his seat in the European Parliament mid-July if he’s elected, meaning EU leaders will have to agree quickly … Read more

Macron hails Jacques Delors as Europe’s tireless ‘pathfinder’ (and jazz-loving football fan) – POLITICO

PARIS — In a state ceremony held over Jacques Delors’ coffin on Friday, French President Emmanuel Macron paid tribute to “an honest European man” and touched upon more personal aspects of the EU statesman’s life, including his Christian faith and his love of football and “loud jazz.” Placing himself firmly in the mold of the … Read more

Von der Leyen presses ahead for quick solution on EU aid to Ukraine – POLITICO

BRUSSELS — European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wants to get to a deal on new Ukraine aid “as quickly as possible,” she said on Friday. The issue of the €50 billion aid package for Ukraine landed back on her plate at the occasion of the start of the Belgian presidency of the Council … Read more

Sweden will join NATO by July – POLITICO

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg is confident Sweden will join the military alliance by July at the latest, he told German news agency DPA this week. The next NATO summit will be held in Washington from July 9-11 and the Nordic country will be a fully-fledged member by then, he said. Sweden and Finland abandoned decades … Read more

Democracy is in peril in the world’s bonanza year of elections – POLITICO

Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. Is 2024 the year when democracy hits a tipping point and slides toward autocracy? It may seem like an odd question to ask at a time when countries representing nearly half the world’s population, or an estimated 3.8 billion people, are sending their voters … Read more

Make-or-break national election looms over Belgian EU presidency – POLITICO

Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. This article is part of the Belgian Presidency of the EU special report. BRUSSELS — Ceci n’est pas une campagne électorale.  As Belgium gears up for its six-month stint at the helm of the Council of the European Union from January 1, the country’s … Read more

Turkey’s parliamentary committee approves Sweden’s NATO membership – POLITICO

The foreign affairs committee of the Turkish parliament on Tuesday gave its approval for Sweden to join NATO, reported Turkey’s Anadolu news agency. This brings Sweden a step closer to joining the Western military alliance. It also comes after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delayed action on Sweden’s bid for a year, arguing the country … Read more

POLITICO’s 2023 Backhanded Awards – POLITICO

Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. Best performance by a German pretending to be president of Europe. Winner: Ursula von der Leyen Frederick Florin/AFP via Getty Images Poor Ursula von der Leyen. Try as she might not just to project power, but to wield it, the European Commission president runs … Read more

Turkish MPs set to restart talks on Sweden’s NATO application – POLITICO

The Turkish parliament’s foreign affairs committee will once again take up the issue of Sweden’s NATO accession Tuesday, according to a parliamentary statement cited in media reports. Turkey is one of two NATO countries, along with Hungary, that has yet to approve Sweden’s bid to join the military alliance following Russia’s full-scale assault on Ukraine. … Read more