Dog owners get reprieve, but some still anxious over U.S. border rules

Dog owners get reprieve, but some still anxious over U.S. border rules

Some dog owners say the temporary exemption Canada has received from the most onerous new U.S. rules for bringing dogs across the border doesn’t go far enough and the reprieve needs to be made permanent. Earlier this month the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that as of Aug. 1, dogs coming … Read more

Corporations are buying local vet clinics — raising questions about price, choice and quality of care

Corporations are buying local vet clinics — raising questions about price, choice and quality of care

Dr. Ryan Redgrave isn’t a dying breed, but his kind aren’t as common as they once were.  You see, Redgrave is an independent vet.  “It’s a busy job in and of itself,” he said, “and the running of a small business is challenging.” Redgrave owns Weste Animal Hospital in Lawrencetown, N.S., near Halifax.   After working … Read more

Why is this veterinary assistant dressed like a fox at work?

Why is this veterinary assistant dressed like a fox at work?

As It Happens5:49This wildlife centre is taking unusual steps to try and rehab a fox kit Why did veterinary assistant Melissa Stanley wear a large, furry fox mask to work? Because that’s what was best for her patient, of course.  Stanley is the executive director at Richmond Wildlife Center in Virginia, which posted a viral video … Read more