Harris Pushes to Remove Medical Debt from Credit Reports, Raising Credit Scores for 15M Americans

Harris Pushes to Remove Medical Debt from Credit Reports, Raising Credit Scores for 15M Americans

US Vice President Kamala Harris announced a final ruling by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) that the records of £39.08 billion ($49 billion) in unpaid medical bills will be removed from the credit reports of 15 million Americans. The move will ensure that Americans are no longer penalised for medical debt records on credit … Read more

Asian-Americans see Kamala Harris’ nomination as their time to shine

Asian-Americans see Kamala Harris’ nomination as their time to shine

“The excitement is unparalleled,” said New York State Senator John Liu, a Democratic National Convention delegate, speaking by telephone just off the floor in Chicago. “Asian-Americans still feel invisible all too often. “But having one of our own in the White House [would] mean the world. It’s a dream come true for so many people, … Read more