For Hong Kong’s next generation of chefs, people skills are as important as knife skills

For Hong Kong’s next generation of chefs, people skills are as important as knife skills

“As a culinary instructor, I wish students [would] have more knowledge of, or interest in, food in general. Unfortunately, a lot of them have been eating rice boxes at school for years, so their palate tends not to be that diverse,” Tam says. Serving is only a task and a part of connecting with peopleWilson … Read more

Favourite Hong Kong New Territories restaurants of a business founder who grew up there

Favourite Hong Kong New Territories restaurants of a business founder who grew up there

Hong Kong-born Kiri Sinclair is the founder and CEO of marketing and public relations firm, Sinclair Communications, which celebrates its 15th anniversary this year. She spoke to Andrew Sun. I grew up in the New Territories in Hong Kong. Eating at my local traditional dai pai dong street stalls or noodle shop was the norm … Read more