King Charles portrait vandalized with Wallace and Gromit cartoon

Animal rights activists have defaced the first official portrait of King Charles with a cut-out face of a cartoon character at a gallery in London. Two activists with Animal Rising stuck a poster from the Wallace and Gromit animated series over the bright red painting on display at the Philip Mould Gallery on Tuesday. The activists were criticising the … Read more

You’re (still) a superstar: Nostalgia tours drum up big feelings and big money

Nostalgia tours have come for millennials, and they’re they’re no longer confined to big cities.  Halifax star Sarah McLachlan is touring North America this month to celebrate the 30th anniversary of her classic album Fumbling Towards Ecstasy, while Belleville, Ont., rocker Avril Lavigne is in the midst of a “greatest hits” run celebrating her early 2000s … Read more