MacBooks vs. Windows laptops: How do you choose?

MacBooks vs. Windows laptops: How do you choose?

Luke Larsen / Digital Trends The MacBooks versus Windows laptops debate has been raging for decades, but never has it been this intense or important. New advances in chip technology are propelling even entry-level MacBooks to high-performance targets, and a shift in Windows laptops away from cheap plastics evens the playing field between these two … Read more

As a recent Mac convert, here’s what surprised me most

As a recent Mac convert, here’s what surprised me most

Mark Coppock / Digital Trends When I transitioned to all-Apple computing, I knew there would be challenges. I assumed there would be many days and weeks of awkwardness before I truly felt at home on my Mac (and iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch). That’s why it surprised me when I discovered how smooth much of … Read more

The Best Smart Notebooks, Selected by Expert Testers

The Best Smart Notebooks, Selected by Expert Testers

Moleskine There’s a tool for every task, and while all of the best tablets make a great option for things like visual content creation and media consumption, they can feel a bit like overkill if you’re simply looking for something digital that replicates the things you do on paper. This would include everyday tasks like … Read more