Mary Berry’s ‘heavenly’ lemon cheesecake recipe

You can prepare Mary Berry’s “heavenly” lemon cheesecake in as little as 15 minutes, but it will require some time to set properly in the fridge. For this bake, you will need a 20cm round loose-bottomed cake tin, which is greased and base-lined with baking parchment. Known to be the “favourite pudding” at a charity … Read more

Recipe: Jamie Oliver’s one-pan baked lemon cheesecake is ‘delicious’

Baked cheesecakes have a fairly dense texture as they are set with a combination of eggs and heat. Unlike the unbaked kind, they’re more complex to make with more than just the fridge required to achieve the perfect consistency on the base and filling. That said, British chef Jamie Oliver has simplified this popular dessert … Read more