EU forms investors club amid tech doom and gloom – POLITICO

EU forms investors club amid tech doom and gloom – POLITICO

“The EU is part of the problem. Thus far it has mostly brought us silly cookie[s] and AI warnings,” Jitse Groen, CEO of Dutch food-delivery platform Just Eat Takeaway, said Thursday. Groen refers to the EU’s heavy regulatory push in several technology areas, such as data protection and artificial intelligence. “The EU could move to … Read more

On AI, von der Leyen sees glass half full in Davos – POLITICO

On AI, von der Leyen sees glass half full in Davos – POLITICO

BRUSSELS — After years of talk about regulating artificial intelligence, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Tuesday reiterated that the technology also presents an opportunity. During her special address at the World Economic Future (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, the Commission chief painted a remarkably starry-eyed tech future. Artificial intelligence and its “adverse outcomes” … Read more