People are only just realising they’ve been storing tinned food wrong

People are only just realising they’ve been storing tinned food wrong

For many families and individuals in the UK, food waste is a massive – and expensive – issue. There’s nothing more annoying than clearing out the fridge at the end of the week and having to throw away fresh produce that you didn’t get a chance to eat or make into a meal. And, with … Read more

‘I’m a food storage expert – keep avocados fresh and green for 10 days with my simple tip’

‘I’m a food storage expert – keep avocados fresh and green for 10 days with my simple tip’

A delicious fruit which is often eaten on toast or in salads, avocados tend to last a few days once ripe. They have earned a reputation for being temperamental, especially during the ripening process. Even once they do ripen and turn soft, they don’t stay ripe for very long. Karl Graham, a food storage expert … Read more

Keep Brussels sprouts fresh for up to two weeks with 1 storage method

Keep Brussels sprouts fresh for up to two weeks with 1 storage method

Brussels sprouts are a beloved (and sometimes controversial) vegetable that often steals the show at Christmas dinner. So, this year, if you’re including them in your Christmas feast, you might want to take note of an expert’s simple storage hack that makes all the difference. Adding just one step to your usual routine when putting … Read more

Apples stay fresh longer when kept away from 1 vegetable in specific spot

Apples stay fresh longer when kept away from 1 vegetable in specific spot

Apples are a versatile and well-loved fruit, celebrated for their delightful crunch and refreshing sweetness. However, many people struggle to keep them fresh, often finding their apples turning soft and unappetising within just a few days. Fortunately, food storage expert Paul Jackson from NRC Business Waste has divulged a clever method to keep apples crisp … Read more

Keep avocados fresh for longer with cheap method using just 24p fruit

Keep avocados fresh for longer with cheap method using just 24p fruit

A food storage expert has shared an easy and affordable hack to keep avocados fresh and without turning brown for longer. Sharing his tips and tricks with, Karl Graham at Click Storage said: “Only a few materials are needed to extend its life and continue enjoying this delicious fruit, all while absorbing its healthy … Read more

Eggs stay fresh for 12 months when stored in 1 unconventional place in the kitchen

Eggs stay fresh for 12 months when stored in 1 unconventional place in the kitchen

Conventional wisdom suggests that eggs are best preserved in the fridge, rather than left out at room temperature. When stored in the refrigerator within their carton, eggs remain fresh for approximately three weeks. Separated egg whites can be kept for up to three weeks in a sealed container, while yolks stay good for about three … Read more

Potatoes stay fresh weeks longer without rotting if stored in one key area

Potatoes stay fresh weeks longer without rotting if stored in one key area

With a cold snap currently sweeping the UK, people are likely starting to think about those winter warming comfort meals – soups, stews and roasts. All of these comfort classics share one common feature – potatoes. But there’s nothing worse than going to rustle up a cosy evening meal to find that your potatoes have … Read more

How to keep potatoes fresh longer without sprouting – 1 kitchen area to store them

How to keep potatoes fresh longer without sprouting – 1 kitchen area to store them

Potatoes, a staple in many kitchens and particularly popular during this time of year for creating warming stews and other comforting dishes, are at the heart of a handy money-saving tip. One simple way to cut costs during autumn is by learning how to store food correctly. Potatoes, for instance, can last over three months … Read more

How to keep cake fresh: Never put it in fridge and use method to store it for longer

How to keep cake fresh: Never put it in fridge and use method to store it for longer

As we approach September, the most popular birthday month of the year, many are preparing for a surplus of birthday cake, meaning they’ll need a good way to keep their cake leftovers fresh. Vlatka lake, storage expert at self-storage operator Space Station, told how to help maintain its flavour and texture for as long as possible. … Read more

Blueberries last longer if you avoid common storage mistake when you refrigerate them

Blueberries last longer if you avoid common storage mistake when you refrigerate them

Blueberries will last longer if you skip one common step many people make when preparing and cleaning them for the fridge. Nathan Lyon, chef, cookbook author, and host of A Lyon in the Kitchen on Discovery Health, explained how exactly blueberries are best kept. Blueberries have a tendency to spoil rapidly, so it’s best not … Read more