Die Exit-Szenarien von FDP – POLITICO

Die Exit-Szenarien von FDP – POLITICO

Es sieht immer mehr danach aus, dass Christian Lindners „Herbst der Entscheidungen“ auch die Entscheidung der Liberalen bringen könnte, aus der Ampel auszusteigen. Gordon Repinski analysiert, wer die Treiber eines Ausstiegs sind, wer die Gegner sind und wie das Szenario aussehen könnte. Im 200-Sekunden-Interview erklärt Renata Alt, FDP-Abgeordnete im Bundestag und Mitglied im Bundesvorstand der … Read more

German coalition teeters in ‘autumn of decisions’ – POLITICO

German coalition teeters in ‘autumn of decisions’ – POLITICO

While the SPD was able to end a string of election defeats in the Brandenburg vote on Sunday, the two other parties in Scholz’s coalition — the Greens and the FDP — continued their streak of dismal losses. The Greens crashed out of the Brandenburg state parliament, winning just around 4 percent, a drop of … Read more

Mario Draghi’s plan to fix a broken Europe already looks impossible – POLITICO

Mario Draghi’s plan to fix a broken Europe already looks impossible – POLITICO

“The leading firms in research and investment-spending are the same ones we had 20 years ago ― cars,” he said. “The United States used to be the same, autos and pharma, 20 years ago. Now it’s all digital.” China isn’t just catching up. In areas like the electric vehicle industry, it is even leapfrogging Europe. … Read more

Germany to halt new Ukraine military aid: Report – POLITICO

Germany to halt new Ukraine military aid: Report – POLITICO

Germany and other G7 countries in June struck a preliminary deal to use the value of some $300 billion of Russia’s sovereign assets immobilized in Western financial institutions to secure a $50 billion loan to Ukraine. But governments have yet to agree on the details of the scheme, and technical talks might drag on for … Read more

German coalition’s budget fight is back – POLITICO

German coalition’s budget fight is back – POLITICO

The July draft budget agreement, reached after an all-night negotiation between Scholz, a Social Democrat (SPD), Economy Minister Robert Habeck of the Greens, and Linder of the fiscally conservative Free Democrats (FDP), was met with relief in Berlin given the intractable differences between the coalition parties on matters of spending. The deal was also seen … Read more

G20 countries agree on need to tax the super-rich — but later – POLITICO

Die Exit-Szenarien von FDP – POLITICO

“With full respect to tax sovereignty, we will seek to engage cooperatively to ensure that ultra-high-net-worth individuals are effectively taxed,” ministers wrote in a separate declaration on international tax cooperation, also seen by POLITICO. Brazilian Finance Minister Fernando Haddad welcomed what he called an “historic” agreement. Brazil has previously floated the idea of a global … Read more

Germany slashes Ukraine funding in savings push – POLITICO

Germany slashes Ukraine funding in savings push – POLITICO

A victory in the U.S. presidential election by Trump, who has signaled that he would draw back Washington’s aid to Ukraine, could force Berlin to reverse its decision. Even though the cabinet gave its blessing to the draft, a final budget remains far from the finish line. The bigger hurdle will be in parliament, where … Read more

Tage der Entscheidung für die Ampel – POLITICO

Tage der Entscheidung für die Ampel – POLITICO

Alle warten auf den Haushalt 2025. Wie sich Scholz, Habeck und Lindner einigen können, hört ihr in der Analyse von Gordon Repinski.Im 200-Sekunden-Interview erklärt der sächsische CDU-Ministerpräsident Michael Kretschmer, wie es zusammenpasst, dass er die Wirtschaftspolitik der Ampel hart kritisiert und ihr trotzdem zustimmt, dass die Schuldenbremse in Teilen reformiert werden muss.Ebenfalls aktuell in dieser … Read more

Macron joins Brazil’s Lula to tax billionaires — but is it all it’s made out to be? – POLITICO

Macron joins Brazil’s Lula to tax billionaires — but is it all it’s made out to be? – POLITICO

“I prefer this debate on international taxation to the interminable debate in France on our own tax system,” Le Maire told reporters in April. ‘Nothing has been ruled out’ For France’s opposition parties, which broadly speaking are less pro-business than Macron, there’s now disquiet that the government’s backing for the super-rich tax gives it the … Read more

Germans gear up for war with more paperwork – POLITICO

Germans gear up for war with more paperwork – POLITICO

Pistorius wants to move quickly and have at least 5,000 fresh troops signed up next year, but rather than rushing bodies into active service, he proposes first to whip the state into shape to be able to hire, train and house recruits at scale. “It’s a start,” Pistorius said modestly of his plan, which will … Read more