China, US say talks in Bangkok ‘candid, substantive’

TAIWAN The two powers have recently butted heads again over self-ruled Taiwan, which China claims as its territory, and where elections were held this month. The Democratic Progressive Party, which rejects China’s claim to the island, secured a third term. In the run-up to the poll, Chinese officials slammed President-elect Lai Ching-te as a dangerous … Read more

EU suspends WTO dispute against China’s trade restrictions on Lithuania – POLITICO

Brussels formally launched its WTO dispute in early 2022 after Beijing imposed trade restrictions against Lithuania in late 2021 because Vilnius deepened its ties with Taiwan, which China sees as a breakaway province. The case dealt a blow to the relations between Beijing and Brussels, with the EU accusing China of discrimination and coercion against … Read more

Beijing increases military pressure on Taiwan ahead of US-China talks – POLITICO

Taiwan’s military “monitored the situation and tasked appropriate forces to respond,” the country’s ministry of national defense said. Tensions between Beijing and Taipei have remained high ever since Lai Ching-te won Taiwan’s presidential election early this month with a political campaign focused on pushing back against China’s threats against the island. This weekend, U.S. National … Read more

World’s cartoonists on this week’s events

First published in Latvijas Avize, Latvia, January 24, 2024 | By Gatis Sluka First published on Der Spiegel, Germany, January 25, 2024 | By Patrick Chappatte First published in Columbia Missourian, January 25, 2024 | By John Darkow First published on, January 22, 2024 | By Guy Parsons First published in U.T. Independent, India, … Read more

Chinese Premier Li Qiang steps up prep for maiden work report that could seek to restore private-sector confidence

The world’s second-largest economy is widely expected to again aim to achieve GDP growth of around 5 per cent for this year, after having posted 5.2 per cent year-on-year growth in 2023. During a symposium on Wednesday to solicit opinions on the drafting of the annual work report, Li and Executive Vice-Premier Ding Xuexiang heard … Read more

Ukraine invites China’s Xi to ‘peace summit’: Zelenskyy’s top adviser

Putin says the invasion was necessary to protect Russia’s own security, while Kyiv and the West say it is an unprovoked war of aggression and a land grab. Neutral Switzerland agreed to host the Ukraine peace summit on Ukraine at Zelenskyy’s request but no date or venue has yet been set. Zhovkva said teams were … Read more

Has surprising US economic growth strengthened Washington’s hand in China negotiations?

After President Xi Jinping visited the US in November, both countries resumed cooperation on issues including curbing the spread of fentanyl, as well as military-to-military communication. 12:56 Fighting fentanyl: the drug from China destroying American lives Fighting fentanyl: the drug from China destroying American lives The two sides have also held meetings of financial and … Read more

Elon Musk Urges Trade Barriers To Protect Local EV Makers from Chinese Giants

With Chinese EV makers garnering huge popularity, Tesla CEO Elon Musk warns that deploying trade barriers might be the only way to protect local automakers from being demolished. While Musk-led Tesla chases its “ChatGPT moment,” rivals like BYD are taking the electric car segment by storm. Despite its price cuts in 2023, Tesla recently lost … Read more

Chinese Woman Leaves £2.2 Million Fortune To Her Cats And Dogs

A woman in China has decided to leave her $2.8 million (£2.2 million) fortune to her cats and dogs and leave her children out of the will, according to a report in the South China Morning Post. The woman, identified by her surname Liu, decided to cut off her children from the will because they … Read more

China urged to grow legal talent for global fight against terrorism, corruption and cyberscams

Observers said the move signalled that Beijing saw the need for legal professionals who understand “complex multi-jurisdictional matters” amid intensifying geopolitical competition with Washington and its allies. Ying Yong, head of China’s Supreme People’s Procuratorate, called on prosecutors to focus on cultivating talent with international legal expertise and experience in “international law enforcement and judicial … Read more