Wie die Länder den ÖRR schrumpfen wollen – POLITICO

Wie die Länder den ÖRR schrumpfen wollen – POLITICO

Der öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunk soll weniger kosten, die Gebühren dürfen nicht weiter steigen. Darin sind sich die meisten Länderchefs einig, die sich ab heute zur Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz in Leipzig treffen. Über den Weg zu den Einsparungen dagegen herrscht noch keine endgültige Einigkeit. Wie die Anstalten geschrumpft werden könnten – organisatorisch, aber auch inhaltlich – analysiert Gordon Repinski. … Read more

China slams Germany for sending navy ships through Taiwan Strait – POLITICO

China slams Germany for sending navy ships through Taiwan Strait – POLITICO

Beijing claims the democratically governed Taiwan as its own and says the strait is within Chinese jurisdiction. Germany’s Defense Minister Boris Pistorius defended the transit on Friday. “International waters are international waters,” Pistorius said during a press conference with Lithuanian Defense Minister Laurynas Kasciunas. “It’s the shortest route and, given the weather conditions, the safest, … Read more

Germany’s defense minister on Putin’s war threat: Yawn – POLITICO

Germany’s defense minister on Putin’s war threat: Yawn – POLITICO

The Russian leader delivered an explicit message Thursday night to Ukraine’s Western partners, warning them against letting Kyiv use donated long-range missiles to strike deep into Russia. “This will mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European countries are fighting Russia,” he said, ahead of a key meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and U.K. … Read more

Berlin wants to pump defense spending numbers by including military mobility – POLITICO

Berlin wants to pump defense spending numbers by including military mobility – POLITICO

“The federal government is committed to NATO’s 2 percent target,” said a Defense Ministry spokesperson. In addition to the annual defense budget, Berlin also includes in its defense spending total sent to NATO some expenditures from other departments. That includes the Foreign Office, Chancellery and the Ministry of Finance, the spokesperson said, but the total … Read more

Britain and Germany team up on defense as fears grow Trump will ditch Ukraine – POLITICO

Britain and Germany team up on defense as fears grow Trump will ditch Ukraine – POLITICO

The country’s new Labour government is more enthusiastic about forging deeper defense co-operation with European allies than its Conservative predecessor, and moved quickly to sign a cooperation deal with Germany on Wednesday. As part of a whistle stop tour of Europe, including France, Poland and Estonia over 48 hours this week, British Defense Minister John … Read more

Pistorius: Der Schattenkanzlerkandidat – POLITICO

Wie die Länder den ÖRR schrumpfen wollen – POLITICO

Heute wird der Kanzler eine Regierungserklärung abhalten, diesmal zum Europäischen Rat und zur NATO. Doch sicherheitspolitisch sind die Augen inzwischen auf einen ganz anderen gerichtet: Boris Pistorius. Mehrmals hat der Verteidigungsminister abgeliefert: Seine Pläne für einen modernisierten Wehrdienst kommen auch bei der Opposition gut an, und in der Koalition setzt er sich mit seinen Finanzierungwünschen … Read more

France deepens military ties with Germany, Poland ahead of risky snap election – POLITICO

France deepens military ties with Germany, Poland ahead of risky snap election – POLITICO

“On a totally selfish personal note, I’d be delighted to be able to continue the good cooperation we’ve established with Sébastien Lecornu, there’s a lot to do. Defense policy has never been so important,” Pistorius told reporters when asked whether he was worried about the impact of a National Rally victory in the two-round election … Read more

Germans gear up for war with more paperwork – POLITICO

Germans gear up for war with more paperwork – POLITICO

Pistorius wants to move quickly and have at least 5,000 fresh troops signed up next year, but rather than rushing bodies into active service, he proposes first to whip the state into shape to be able to hire, train and house recruits at scale. “It’s a start,” Pistorius said modestly of his plan, which will … Read more

Der Friedenskanzler will Sicherheitskanzler werden – POLITICO

Der Friedenskanzler will Sicherheitskanzler werden – POLITICO

Erst das Hochwasser, dann die neu aufgeflammte Debatte um Islamismus und Gewalt gegen Andersdenkende und über allem schwebt weiter der Krieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine. Wenn Olaf Scholz heute seine Regierungserklärung im Bundestag hält, will er und muss er Führung zeigen. Was seine Fraktion von ihm erwartet, besprechen wir mit dem Vizechef der SPD-Fraktion im … Read more

Germany’s Pistorius uses US trip to push for more defense spending at home – POLITICO

Germany’s Pistorius uses US trip to push for more defense spending at home – POLITICO

Pistorius has limited financial wiggle room to invest in Germany’s military to make it “fit for war,” as he recently put it. That is because of Germany’s so-called “debt brake,” which restricts the federal deficit to 0.35 percent of GDP, except in times of emergency.  Pistorius, a social democrat, has been campaigning to exempt defense spending from … Read more