MK Sa’ar holds first faction meeting after split with Gantz – Israel Politics

Despite the IDF’s success on the ground, its pace and the pressure of its operations have decreased in recent months, which lengthens the conflict in the north and negatively affects Israel’s international standing, New Hope—The United Right chairman and Minister-without-portfolio MK Gideon Sa’ar argued on Monday during a press conference ahead of his party’s … Read more

Ze’ev Elkin sheds light on what ended the Sa’ar-Gantz alliance – Israel Politics

Gideon Sa’ar announced the dissolution of his partnership with Benny Gantz, ending Gantz’s National Unity political alliance. At the same time, Sa’ar demanded to join the war cabinet to influence policy.  MK Ze’ev Elkin addressed this and responded for the first time in a conversation with Udi Segal and Anat Davidov on 103FM, “It … Read more

Tens of thousands protest Netanyahu government, call for elections – Israel Politics

An estimated 34,000 Israelis took to the streets on Saturday night to protest the Netanyahu government. In Caesarea, four were arrested, in Tel Aviv police shot water cannons at demonstrators blocking the Ayalon highway, and in Jerusalem, protesters temporarily shut down the city-center intersection at Paris Square.  Across the different protests, speakers denounced not … Read more

The ins and outs of Gideon Sa’ar’s political bombshell – analysis – Israel Politics

Former longtime Likud MK, education minister, and justice minister Gideon Sa’ar dropped a political bombshell on Tuesday evening. In a speech at a conference of his New Hope Party’s supporters, which was convened in order to commend the party’s success in the recent statewide municipal elections, Sa’ar made two announcements: New Hope will officially … Read more

Gantz responds to Sa’ar’s decision to leave National Unity party – Israel Politics

National Unity chairman and Minister-without-portfolio MK Benny Gantz acknowledged in a press conference on Wednesday that there were “challenges in the government’s conduct”, and that “real operational needs and correct priorities were being harmed as a result of political conduct,” but said that “now was not the time for politics.”   Gantz’s comments were … Read more

50% of right-wing Israelis believe early elections should be called – Israel Politics

Fifty percent of right-wing Israelis believe early elections should be called, with 40% of Israelis who specifically voted for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party saying the same, according to a poll published by N12 on Tuesday. According to the poll, 30% of all Israelis believe that elections should be declared now, while 34% … Read more

Majority of Jewish Israelis believe Gantz should remain in government – Israel Politics

Amid increasing protests demanding to hold a national election, a poll by the Israel Democracy Institute found on Sunday that a majority of Israelis prefer Minister-without-portfolio MK Benny Gantz’s National Unity party to remain in the government. The poll found, however, that while a significant majority of Jewish Israelis (62%) said that National Unity … Read more

What Europe wants from the State of the Union — love for Ukraine – POLITICO

“We shouldn’t make the mistake of declaring Trump a premature winner, or even subscribing to this idea,” German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck said on Wednesday. But for others it’s already too late. Ex-Tory Minister Tim Loughton told the BBC that Biden “frankly needs to read the room — it’s time to go home to the … Read more

Now or after the war?: When do Israelis want to hold elections? – Israel Politics

Recently, Maariv asked its readers in the shadow of coalition tensions and the ruling parties’ plunge in the polls, when is the right time to go to a general election? Among other things, readers were asked to give their opinion on the timing of a general election. They were asked whether, in their opinion, … Read more

Gantz’s US trip could position him to replace Netanyahu as PM – Israel Politics

Among all the reasons for Benny Gantz to remain in the emergency government alongside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the American position on his current status seems to be the most significant. There are other elements, of course, such as the fact that Gantz is not an “American project,” but an independent Israeli politician. Gantz … Read more