‘Crush them’: are China’s local governments using unsustainable tactics to repay debt?

‘Crush them’: are China’s local governments using unsustainable tactics to repay debt?

On China’s social media platforms last week, a recording surfaced that revealed a side of the country’s debt crisis that has largely gone unreported. The recording is presented as a conversation between an unnamed representative of a medical technology company and a market regulation enforcement officer, surnamed Zhang, from Chengwu county in eastern China’s Shandong … Read more

China’s anti-corruption squads target funeral officials making a killing from the dead

China’s anti-corruption squads target funeral officials making a killing from the dead

Most of China’s funeral parlours are managed under the direct supervision of civil affairs authorities, and are monopolies with a reputation for opaque pricing and substandard services – which in turn is fertile ground for corruption. Zhang’s detention came three months after disciplinary authorities in the neighbouring city of Wuhu launched corruption investigations into Jiang … Read more