Rare fossil specimen offers evidence of social behaviour among ancient snakes

Rare fossil specimen offers evidence of social behaviour among ancient snakes

A perfectly preserved burrow of fossilized snakes shows that the reptiles have been social creatures for almost 40 million years, says a new research paper co-authored by a University of Alberta paleontologist.  It’s well known that snakes today gather in burrows for all kinds of reasons, including breeding and surviving cold temperatures by piling together … Read more

Jasper wildfire brings new threat to dwindling caribou herds

Jasper wildfire brings new threat to dwindling caribou herds

Jasper National Park is beloved for its breathtaking mountain landscapes — and the special opportunity to see iconic animals such as elk, bighorn sheep, mountain goats, grizzly bears and, with luck, endangered woodland caribou.  But this week, as thousands of visitors and locals alike fled raging wildfires that ripped through the park and its town, … Read more

Lots of new animals are heading for your city, study suggests

Lots of new animals are heading for your city, study suggests

When you look out the window or walk your dog in the year 2100, the animals you spot might be quite different from what you see today, a new study suggests. Many wildlife species are moving due to climate change — which means Canadian cities could get an influx of wild climate refugees. They could … Read more

Fossilized tracks of rare 320-million-year-old animal found in Cape Breton

Fossilized tracks of rare 320-million-year-old animal found in Cape Breton

People could be making tracks to see an impressive new exhibit of 320-million-year-old footprints at the Cape Breton Fossil Centre in Sydney Mines, N.S. A group of geologists from Cape Breton University recently found fossilized claw imprints that are remarkable for their size and age. “The stuff we get on Cape Breton and in Nova Scotia … Read more

Why do these mosquitoes keep perching on the nostrils of frogs who want to eat them?

Why do these mosquitoes keep perching on the nostrils of frogs who want to eat them?

As It Happens6:28Why do these mosquitos keep perching on the nostrils of frogs who want to eat them? John Gould had been snapping pictures of mosquitoes on frogs for years before he noticed a trend — the bloodsuckers always seem to land right on the amphibians’ noses. “You would think that a frog would be … Read more