Parineeti Chopra will be seen playing the legendary Punjabi singer Amarjot in the upcoming biopic Amar Singh Chamkila starring Diljit Dosanjh and helmed by Imtiaz Ali. The actress made a fun video in her vanity van, grooving to the song ‘Pehle Lalkar Naal.

 Parineeti Chopra vibes to Amar Singh Chamkila and Amarjot's song 'Pehle Lalkare Naal' ahead of film's release, watch Parineeti Chopra vibes to Amar Singh Chamkila and Amarjot's song 'Pehle Lalkare Naal' ahead of film's release, watch

Parineeti Chopra vibes to Amar Singh Chamkila and Amarjot’s song ‘Pehle Lalkare Naal’ ahead of film’s release, watch

Parineeti has put in a lot of effort to come as close to her character. From gaining weight for the role to extensive preparation with the director, she did it all. The actress, who also loves to sing, will be seen performing original songs in the film.

The film charts the untold true story of Punjab’s original rockstar of the masses, the highest record-selling artist of his time, who emerged from the shadows of poverty and rose to the heights of popularity in the 80s due to the sheer power of his music, angering many on the way, which finally led to his assassination at a young age of 27.

Starring Diljit Dosanjh and Parineeti Chopra, Amar Singh Chamkila is Netflix’s ode to the vibrant life of the legendary Punjabi musician. The film streams on Netflix from April 12, 2024

ALSO READ: Imtiaz Ali overjoyed at the premiere of Amar Singh Chamkila: “We are overwhelmed by the love”

More Pages: Amar Singh Chamkila Box Office Collection


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