While preserving food is something that we are all doing in a bid to keep bills down one person has taken to the online forum site Reddit asking for advice.
In a thread titled: ‘Where to store fresh onions?’ a user started the post with “So my wife went to an organic food stand and bought 5 yellow onions and 5 red onions…..for reasons?
“We use onions but not at the pace that they would be gone soon. Where do I keep them? I read the fridge is bad, what about a cabinet?
“Please help.”
People to the thread to share their tips and suggestions on keeping the vegetable for as long as possible with one person writing: “Dark, cool, dry I think. They’re bulbs. You want them to think they’re sleeping. If they wake up they sprout.”
Another commented: “Others will help on dry storage tips, but when I have too many onions I caramelize most of them, portion, and freeze. This is for home use and it’s so handy to have them on hand. I’m single so I freeze them in 1/4 cup amounts.”
A third suggested: “Onions last a few weeks. Don’t you use an onion or two to start cooking almost every meal? I don’t see an issue. Keep on the table, in a cupboard, or in the fridge, and use them within a month or so.”
A user advised: “Dark cabinet is fine – but do not store near potatoes (and potentially other known off-gassing produce) or they will turn to c**p very fast.”
A fifth said: “You can chop up and freeze some. Works best in recipes like spaghetti sauce where the onions are expected to be soft.”
Finally, another recommended: “Cool, dark and dry pantry for uncut onions. Do not store them in a closed container as it’ll create conditions for mold to grow, as onions release moisture over time.
“Keeping them in a closed container will cause them to be in an eventually humid environment; sparking mold grow. They will otherwise last quite a while.
“Alternatively you could pickle them. Particularly the red onions work well for this.”
Do you have any suggestions?