The domestic and external impacts of Raisi’s death

The death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on May 19 in a helicopter accident occurred at a sensitive time in the history of the Islamic revolution. The country has been experiencing feelings of superiority inherent in Iran’s Shi’ite heritage, a concentration of power in the hands of conservative ideological circles, and regional empowerment coupled … Read more

Saudi Arabia ban on sale of offensive weapons to be lifted by US

The United States is expected to lift a ban on the sale of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia, potentially in the coming weeks, the Financial Times reported on Sunday. Washington has already signaled to Saudi Arabia that it was prepared to lift the ban, the newspaper reported, citing a person familiar with the matter. … Read more

Fmr. CENTCOM commander criticizes US approach to Iranian threat

The US’s assassination of then IRGC Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani in 2020 shows that Iran respects strength and takes advantage of weakness, warned General Kenneth F. McKenzie, the former head of US CENTCOM, the command responsible for US operations in the Middle East. In an article in The Atlantic based on his new … Read more

Mohammad Mustafa hopeful Europe will further recognize Palestinian state

 The prime minister of the Palestinian Authority expressed hope on Sunday that Spain, Ireland, and Norway’s recognition of a Palestinian state would encourage other European countries to do the same. Mohammad Mustafa, in Brussels to attend a meeting with international donors, said he was grateful that the three had effectively joined 143 other countries … Read more

Explosive device killed at least one Iraqi Sunni fighter, injured more

In Khan Beni Saad, some 50 kilometers (about 31.07 mi) north of Baghdad, an explosive device killed at least one Iraqi Sunni fighter and injured at least six others at a checkpoint, security officials said Sunday.   Two different explosive devices were detonated at the checkpoint on Saturday evening, according to the Iraqi Security … Read more

Jordan’s Independence Day celebrations dampened by Israel-Hamas war

Jordan celebrated Independence Day on Saturday, marking 78 years of independence from British rule. This year’s celebrations were quiet as Jordanians mourned the ongoing war in Gaza.  For more stories from The Media Line go to After World War I, the Hashemite Army took over control of Jordan. Meanwhile, Britain and France drew … Read more

Iranian court rejects retrial request for Iranian Jew sentenced to death

The Iran Human Rights Organization (IHRNGO) announced on Saturday that the Supreme Court of Iran dismissed a retrial request for the Iranian Jew Arvin Nathaniel Ghahremani who is slated to be executed for allegedly killing an Iranian Muslim man in self-defense. The London-based news organization Iran International reported the dire plight of Ghahremani. Ghahremani … Read more

Israeli Labor Party slams Spanish PM for recognition of Palestine – Israel Politics

Following the announcement that Spain would recognize Palestine as a state last week, the Secretary General of the Israeli Labor Party, Eran Hermoni, sent a letter on Saturday to the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez criticizing the decision. In the letter, Hermoni called the decision a contradiction of the traditional position of the Spanish … Read more

Abdul Qader al-Murtada announces Houthis delay prisoner release

Yemen’s Houthis said they had postponed the release of around 100 prisoners belonging to government forces to Sunday after it had previously been announced to take place on Saturday. The head of the Houthi Prisoner Affairs Committee, Abdul Qader al-Murtada, said on X that the delay was caused by “technical reasons.” عاجل | رئيس … Read more

Will Kataib Hezbollah attack US military targets in the Middle East?

Kataib Hezbollah has begun to reconsider its agreement with the Iraqi government regarding the suspension of its attacks against the United States, a senior official of the organization told Al-Akhbar newspaper on Saturday. After Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ Al Sudani visited the US, Kataib Hezbollah officials in the country met to discuss the … Read more