Dark Horse Comics has revealed Arkham Horror: The Terror at the End of Time is coming to comic shops in August 2024. The series is set within the universe of Arkham Horror, the Fantasy Flight Games. The four-issue series launches August 7th, written by Cullen Bunn with art by Andrea Mutti, colors by Valerio Alloro, letters by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou.
So what’s Arkham Horror: The Terror at the End of Time about?
Life is all just one big game to adventuring socialite Jenny Barnes. Or it was, until her sister Izzie was abducted by a dangerous cult. Although Jenny thwarted the cultists’ sacrificial endeavors and battled the eldritch monsters at their command, the high priestess Abigail Olmstead fled—and took Izzie with her. Private investigator Joe Diamond may not understand Jenny’s story, but he understands loss. Joe and Jenny must work together and follow the clues to find Izzie, but more horrors await them in Arkham, Massachusetts, and time appears to be running out.
Check out the main cover art by Rafael Alburquerque below.
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MILWAUKIE, Ore., (April 18, 2024)— Dark Horse Comics and Asmodee Entertainment present Arkham Horror: The Terror at the End of Time, the first comic-based addition to the Arkham Horror universe from Fantasy Flight Games. Eisner Award-nominated master of horror, Cullen Bunn (Harrow County, The Sixth Gun), will write the four-issue miniseries with art by Andrea Mutti (Parasomnia, The British Paranormal Society), colors by Valerio Alloro (Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories, Hotel REM), letters by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (The Witcher: Wild Animals, Drive Like Hell), and cover art by Rafael Alburquerque (Hailstone, Red Tag). Issue #1 arrives August 2024.
Between time and sanity, horror waits in Arkham Horror: The Terror at the End of Time.
Life is all just one big game to adventuring socialite Jenny Barnes. Or it was, until her sister Izzie was abducted by a dangerous cult. Although Jenny thwarted the cultists’ sacrificial endeavors and battled the eldritch monsters at their command, the high priestess Abigail Olmstead fled—and took Izzie with her. Private investigator Joe Diamond may not understand Jenny’s story, but he understands loss. Joe and Jenny must work together and follow the clues to find Izzie, but more horrors await them in Arkham, Massachusetts, and time appears to be running out.
Starting now, the clock is counting down to Arkham Horror: The Terror at the End of Time #1 (of 4), available in comic shops on August 7, 2024. It is available to pre-order at your local comic shop for $3.99.
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