Chinese students join military as stepping stone to university degree

Chinese students join military as stepping stone to university degree

In the last of a four-part series on China’s universities and campus life, Alcott Wei investigates why army life has become an attractive option for many of the country’s young people in their quest for a university degree. Read the third part here. For Alan Yuan, joining China’s military wasn’t so much about the lofty … Read more

Beijing’s top anti-spy agency accuses Chinese married couple of spying for Britain and passing state secrets to MI6

Beijing’s top anti-spy agency accuses Chinese married couple of spying for Britain and passing state secrets to MI6

Beijing’s top anti-espionage agency said it cracked a major espionage case involving a married Chinese couple who worked for the government while passing information to the British Secret Intelligence Service, or MI6. It is the latest case announced by China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) amid a public campaign to counter espionage in the country, … Read more