Dems in damage control as 3 in 4 voters say Biden should step aside

“I know I don’t walk as easy I used to, I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to, I don’t debate as well as I used to. But here’s what I also know: I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. I know how to do this job. And I … Read more

Youngest voters unmotivated by oldest candidates, poll shows

Young voters don’t really care to vote for politicians more than 50 years their senior, and it’s enough to keep them home this November, a new CBS News/YouGov poll shows. According to the poll, those under 30 would rather sit out the election than have to choose between a 78-year-old former president or an incumbent … Read more

Most Republicans in new poll believe Trump’s legal cases are being handled ‘unfairly’

A majority of Republicans in a recent poll say they believe former President Trump’s investigations are being conducted “unfairly.” The new survey, released Friday by YouGov, found that among the four criminal indictments that Trump is facing, more than 66 percent of Republicans believe the cases are being handled “unfairly.” This is compared to 70 … Read more