Women And Girls In Gaza Are Using ‘Parts Of Tents’ To Replace Period Products

Women and girls in Gaza are witnessing the most severe cases of period poverty. The limits on humanitarian and medical aid deliveries, which include tampons, sanitary towels, contraceptive pills that could delay or halt periods and other menstrual products, have left the females using tent scraps as a period product replacement. “Imagine having to manage … Read more

Previous Afghan Governments Did Not Provide Rights Of Women, Says Taliban Leader

The Taliban’s supreme leader, Hibatullah Akhundzada, believes that his regime has done better for women in Afghanistan than any previous government. Akhunzada made the claims in a radio broadcast and listed the kinds of “rights” that have been given to women since the Taliban took over Afghanistan in 2021. He said that unlike previous governments, … Read more

Taliban Arrests Women For Not Wearing Hijab ‘Properly’

The Taliban has been arresting women for not wearing a hijab “properly”, according to its Vice and Virtue Ministry. However, it is not yet clear how many women have been put behind bars for the same. They reportedly began arresting women soon after they took over Afghanistan in August 2021 for not following the strict … Read more

Lie of the land: China’s rural women struggle for land rights in the courts, despite legal protections

The decision was made among the villagers themselves, who concluded that Zhou’s case was not valid because she married someone from outside the village. The court stayed out of what it said was the village’s democratic decision. In rural China, there are thousands of other cases just like Zhou’s, usually referred to as “ married-out … Read more

Iran’s Khamenei suggests West destroys women’s dignity

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei took to social media this week to chastise the West over the treatment of women, a move which has attracted incredulity given Iran’s record on women’s rights.  “In the West, #women’s dignity is being shattered more and more every day. All of the things that destroy the #family … Read more

Men still being favoured over women for Chinese government jobs, study warns

A data analysis by the Inspection Squad for Workplace Gender Discrimination looked at the annual recruitment drive for the national civil service and found more government positions were reserved for men than for women. The report, first published earlier this month, looked into the job requirements for all government positions advertised in October, a month … Read more

Taliban Sends Female Victims Of Gender-Based Violence To Prison

The Taliban government in Afghanistan has been sending female abuse survivors to prison while claiming that it is for their “protection,” a new United Nations report has revealed. These survivors of gender-based violence are sent to prison in case they don’t have a male guardian or a male relative with whom they could feel “safe”. … Read more

All of China loves Zhang Guimei as a girls’ education pioneer. So why is her biopic making some people see red?

However, a new film based on her inspirational life has sharply divided opinion between the public and the state. When Zhang founded her boarding school in a remote area of China’s southwestern Yunnan province 15 years ago, many of the local girls would drop out early to marry or earn a living, while the boys … Read more