Eggs will stay fresh for ‘at least 66 days’ with pro storage method

Eggs will stay fresh for ‘at least 66 days’ with pro storage method

Eggs can be stored in so many different places in the home, including the fridge, their carton or a basket on the kitchen counter. While there’s no single right answer as to exactly where they should be kept, their longevity depends on it. According to the experts at Professionals Secrets, their foolproof method is perfect for … Read more

Eggs will ‘last twice as long’ in the fridge but avoid this one spot

Eggs will ‘last twice as long’ in the fridge but avoid this one spot

Eggs do have a long shelf life regardless of where they’re kept but they can quickly deteriorate in freshness when stored in certain places. When an egg broken onto a flat surface has a watery, spread-out white, this usually indicates that the egg is stale. While this is hard to determine without cracking them open, … Read more