Americans Think An Hour Of Their Time Is Worth $240 Or 8 Times The Average US Salary

Americans Think An Hour Of Their Time Is Worth 0 Or 8 Times The Average US Salary

Financial services firm Empower’s March survey of 2,204 US adults revealed that the definition of wealth and happiness is rapidly shifting from earning money to valuing time. Around 63% of the survey respondents would feel wealthy if they got sufficient time with friends and family, and nearly 40% believe saving time is more important than … Read more

Survey Says 46% Of Americans Say They’d Give Up A Raise Or Promotion For This Perk – It’s Not Remote Work

Survey Says 46% Of Americans Say They’d Give Up A Raise Or Promotion For This Perk – It’s Not Remote Work

A recent survey by Empower, a leading U.S. retirement company, reveals that nearly two-thirds of Americans believe the current economic climate will negatively impact their retirement plans. In a striking finding, 46% of respondents indicated they would be willing to forgo a raise or promotion in exchange for enhanced benefits from their employer. Interestingly, remote … Read more