Why the US-China tech war has put bugs in the academic system back in Beijing’s sights

Why the US-China tech war has put bugs in the academic system back in Beijing’s sights

It was just four months ago, on May 17, when Sun Beicheng made headlines around the world as he led a team that successfully transplanted a genetically modified pig liver into a patient with liver cancer. By July, Sun was making headlines again, but this time he was one of six researchers named and shamed … Read more

Former Huawei ‘Genius Youth’ recruit launches humanoid robots to rival Tesla’s Optimus

Former Huawei ‘Genius Youth’ recruit launches humanoid robots to rival Tesla’s Optimus

“We have made some breakthroughs … in product research and development in the past year, and we’re now at the forefront of the industry,” 31-year-old Peng declared at the online video launch of the company’s new-generation humanoid robots. Backed by venture capital firm HongShan, Agibot on Sunday introduced five models of wheeled and biped humanoid … Read more