Taiwanese military focuses on PLA cognitive warfare threat in revamped TV show

Taiwanese military focuses on PLA cognitive warfare threat in revamped TV show

For more than two decades, Taiwan’s flagship military television programme Juguang Garden offered a mix of educational equipment demonstrations and light-hearted skits. The programme, which means “rejuvenation”, was designed to appeal to younger service members. In the revamped version of the programme first aired last week, those lighter elements remained but the educational content carried … Read more

Mainland Chinese drone user drops leaflets on Taiwanese outlet in ‘anti-independence protest’

Mainland Chinese drone user drops leaflets on Taiwanese outlet in ‘anti-independence protest’

This time there has been no official endorsement from Beijing of the flights, but the mainland has strict rules on drone use and there has been no apparent intervention to stop the man’s activities. In recent years there have been a string of incidents in which unidentified drones have flown over restricted waters, around Quemoy, … Read more