The Biden-Netanyahu gap deepens over plans for Gaza’s future

Earlier this week, 99 out of the 120 members of the Knesset voted against unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. The rare moment of near-consensus in Israel’s fractious parliament was meant as a rebuke of American efforts toward Palestinian statehood. Last week, reports emerged that the Biden administration was planning a renewed push for … Read more

UK-India Partnership Could Help in Global Conflicts Handling

The battle to tackle global conflicts like the Gaza crisis took a new dimension today as Britain and the UK reiterated their commitment to collaborate in preventing it. The UK Home Secretary James Cleverly, stressed the essence of the UK-India partnership in tackling global conflicts from spilling over at the India Global Forum’s (IGF) 6th … Read more

Hamas Kill Record Number Of IDF Soldiers On Israel’s Deadliest Day Yet

Yesterday, more than 23 Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) soldiers were killed by Hamas, marking the deadliest day of conflict for Israel. The proscribed terrorist group launched an attack on the IDF while they were setting up explosives in a complex of buildings along the Gaza-Israel border. According to the initial IDF account of events, Israel’s … Read more

EU chief Borrell threatens Israel on two-state solution

European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell on Monday called for an international peace conference to draft a road map for a two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians. Tools exist to pressure Israel into participating, he said. “There is an initial draft for a peace plan that will provide robust security for Israel … Read more

Israel-Saudi deal hinges on Iran, Energy Minister Cohen says

With his eyes toward a Saudi normalization deal with Israel once the Gaza war is over, and in opposition to Palestinian statehood, Likud politician Eli Cohen took up his new role this month as energy minister. His building is just around the corner from his former office, where he served as foreign minister for … Read more

Blinken: Jewish lives don’t matter more than Palestinian ones

Palestinian lives are as important as Jewish ones, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, when quizzed on the matter by veteran journalist Thomas Friedman. “Do Jewish lives matter more than Palestinian and Muslim and Christian lives, given the incredible asymmetry in [civilian] casualties” in the … Read more

Netanyahu Publicly Rejects US Call For Two State Solution

Appearing in a televised conference on Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sparked outrage when he rejected the US’s call for a “revitalised” Palestinian Authority in Gaza. The White House, Israel’s closest ally, also urged Israel to reduce the intensity of its catastrophic bombardment of the Gaza Strip. As the death toll continues to mount … Read more

Jordan PM: Peace with Israel remains strategic choice despite Gaza war

Jordan’s Prime Minister Bisher al Khasawaneh said on Tuesday that peace with Israel remained a strategic choice but any push to drive Palestinians to the kingdom would pose an “existentialist” threat. Jordan, which shares a border with the West Bank, fears that the Gaza conflict could spread with wider violence by armed settlers encouraged … Read more

Saudis could recognize Israel if Palestinian issue resolved – FM

Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said on Tuesday the kingdom could recognize Israel if a comprehensive agreement were reached that included statehood for the Palestinians. “We agree that regional peace includes peace for Israel, but that could only happen through peace for the Palestinians through a Palestinian state,” Prince Faisal bin Farhan told a panel … Read more

Israel Propose New Truce Agreement As More Hostages Are Killed In Gaza

After recent discussions between the US, Israel and Qatari officials, the Israeli government have proposed a new deal for the release of more hostages from the Gaza Strip. The new pact suggestion calls for a pause in fighting for up to seven days and the release of 40 Israeli captives. Officials in Qatar, where Hamas … Read more