With Bill 20, Danielle Smith sows fear and loathing (and confusion) in Alberta councils, big and small

With Bill 20, Danielle Smith sows fear and loathing (and confusion) in Alberta councils, big and small

It’s hard to get 260 Alberta municipal governments to agree on much, which is why their blanket organization seldom has anything provocative to say. What advocacy points can members as disparate as Calgary, Lethbridge, the town of Two Hills and the villages of Czar, Barons and Bawlf agree on? Safer fare, typically — suggestions that … Read more

Chicago’s famous sidewalk ‘rat hole’ has been removed, but its legacy lives on

Chicago’s famous sidewalk ‘rat hole’ has been removed, but its legacy lives on

As It Happens5:43Chicago’s famous sidewalk ‘rat hole’ has been removed, but its legacy lives on Winslow Dumaine doesn’t believe Chicago has seen the last of “the rat hole.” The slab of concrete sidewalk with a rat-shaped imprint had become both a source of both pride and consternation for residents. Officials removed it on Wednesday, and the sidewalk … Read more

NWMO reaffirms safety of Canada’s 1st nuclear waste repository but there’s still heavy pushback

NWMO reaffirms safety of Canada’s 1st nuclear waste repository but there’s still heavy pushback

The body tasked with selecting the future storage site for Canada’s nuclear waste has reaffirmed its confidence in the project’s safety, but others remain concerned about the potential risks of burying spent nuclear fuel hundreds of metres below the earth’s surface. By the end of this year, the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) is expected to decide … Read more