Common cucumber storage method causes ‘accelerated decay’ – avoid this mistake

Cucumbers are a summer time staple and can be consumed in countless of refreshing ways – from sandwiches to drinks. However, many of us are still making a key mistake when storing them that leads to “accelerated decay”. In order to keep this noble fruit fresh for longer, there are simple storage methods to be … Read more

Keep parsley fresh for longer using fuss-free storage method every few days

Herbs are essential to many delicious dishes, and can be particularly aromatic when stored fresh. Parsley, specifically, will last longer if stored similarly to a bouquet of flowers, according to one expert. Cindy Chou, RDN, chef, registered dietitian, and founder of Cancer Nutrition in a Bowl and The Sound of Cooking, detailed the best way … Read more

Storing spring onions using simple freezing method will keep them fresh for longer

Spring onions, also known as green onions or scallions, are renowned for their unique sharp and peppery taste and are closely related to garlic, shallots, leeks and chives This delicious vegetable can serve as a garnish for baked potatoes, an addition to scrambled eggs, or an integral part of a casserole base. With their versatility, sliced spring … Read more