‘A story of hope’: Scientists find elusive golden mole for the 1st time in 87 years

‘A story of hope’: Scientists find elusive golden mole for the 1st time in 87 years

As It Happens6:12Scientists find elusive golden mole for the 1st time in 87 years When a group of conservation scientists set off in search of a long-lost species of South Africa moles in 2021, their colleagues warned them not to get their hopes up. After all, the last time a scientist had seen a De … Read more

Oldest mosquito in amber reveals bloodsucking surprise

Oldest mosquito in amber reveals bloodsucking surprise

Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide are killed annually by malaria and other diseases spread through the bite of mosquitoes, insects that date back to the age of dinosaurs. All of these bites are inflicted by females, which possess specialized mouth anatomy that their male counterparts lack. But it hasn’t always been that way. Researchers … Read more