Von der Leyen is in! Let the fighting over the next European Commission begin.  – POLITICO

Von der Leyen is in! Let the fighting over the next European Commission begin.  – POLITICO

Who wants what? France and Italy are the biggest European powers eying a portfolio that includes one or more of the following: Competition, trade, industry and economic policy, several EU diplomats said, much to the despair of northern, more budget-disciplined EU governments. Ireland and Luxembourg are interested in a financial portfolio, while Spain wants an … Read more

Zelenskyy addresses Biden’s ‘President Putin’ gaffe on Europe tour – POLITICO

Zelenskyy addresses Biden’s ‘President Putin’ gaffe on Europe tour – POLITICO

While the 81-year-old Democrat quickly corrected himself, the gaffe has fueled speculation about his fitness for office ahead of the U.S. presidential election in November, with dozens of his own allies calling for Biden to step down in favor of a younger candidate. His rival, Republican challenger Donald Trump, has wasted no time mocking the … Read more

The surprise loser from Ireland’s elections? Sinn Féin. – POLITICO

The surprise loser from Ireland’s elections? Sinn Féin. – POLITICO

Instead, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil resurrected their fortunes with virtually identical 23 percent shares of first preference votes, both better than expected — while Sinn Féin slumped to below 12 percent. Independents, among them a babel of new anti-immigrant voices alongside established rural mavericks, topped a staggering 21 percent. Some Sinn Féin activists bluntly … Read more

Ireland and other European countries to recognize Palestinian statehood – POLITICO

Ireland and other European countries to recognize Palestinian statehood – POLITICO

Ireland in recent weeks has discussed the potential timing of recognizing Palestinian statehood in a series of meetings with the governments of Spain, Slovenia, Belgium, Norway and Malta, all of whom broadly share Ireland’s view that the EU as a whole ought to recognize Palestinian statehood. Anticipating Dublin’s move, the Israeli foreign ministry issued a … Read more

Ireland wants to return asylum seekers to the UK – POLITICO

Ireland wants to return asylum seekers to the UK – POLITICO

In a statement shared with RTÉ, a spokesperson for Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris confirmed that the justice minister had been tasked to “bring proposals to Cabinet next week to amend existing law regarding the designation of safe ‘third countries’ and allowing the return of inadmissible International Protection applicants to the U.K.” The move comes … Read more