5 Pervasive Myths About Email Marketing That (If Believed) Could Derail Your Business

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. With new social platforms emerging every year, many entrepreneurs wonder if they should leave email behind and look ahead to new avenues. Did you know that email is still the second biggest marketing channel for startups, right behind social media? That’s right! It’s all thanks to its … Read more

How to Determine The Ideal Length of Your Marketing Emails Your Customers Will Actually Read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Email marketing is booming: last year, 52% of marketers said their campaign’s return on investment (ROI) doubled, while 5.7% of marketers experienced an ROI four times larger compared to 2022, a Statista report shows. How can you create similar results for your business this year? The effectiveness … Read more

These Website Mistakes Could Be Costing You Thousands. Here’s How to Maximize Your Return and Drive More Sales.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. You’re losing thousands of dollars on your website and might not even know it. You have a site and a marketing team, and traffic is flowing in. But your site — and business — may fail because you’re losing customers and conversions. How? Leads fail to convert … Read more

3 Major Mistakes Companies Are Making With AI That Is Limiting Their ROI

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. I was talking to a friend recently who serves as the CTO at a mid-sized company and was struck by his sudden change in perspective on AI. Despite initial skepticism, he now believes artificial intelligence (AI) will revolutionize his industry. Yet, his main challenge has been convincing … Read more