Trump delivers wide-ranging speech to New Hampshire hockey arena

DURHAM, N.H. — Former President Donald Trump returned to the Granite State for a Saturday rally at the University of New Hampshire, where he half-filled the school’s hockey arena with hundreds of MAGA faithful. After mounting a stage set just to one side of center ice, the 45th President launched into his typically bombastic style … Read more

Colorado Republicans line up for shot to win Rep. Ken Buck’s open seat

U.S. Rep. Ken Buck’s decision last month not to seek reelection to Congress opened a tantalizingly rare window for Republicans in eastern Colorado: a red seat in one of the state’s few remaining conservative strongholds that, once won, would be tough to ever lose. “If somebody wants to be a congressman who lives in the … Read more

Donald Trump’s former lawyer Rudy Giuliani ordered to pay £116million for defaming election workers

DONALD Trump’s former lawyer has been ordered to pay £116million ($148 million) for defaming election workers. Rudy Giuliani had falsely accused Georgia ballot counters Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss of rigging the 2020 presidential election. 1 Rudy Giuliani had falsely accused Georgia ballot counters Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss of rigging the 2020 presidential electionCredit: … Read more

Republican presidential candidates share stories of family and faith in Iowa

SIOUX CENTER, Iowa (AP) — A trio of Republican presidential candidates shared stories of family and faith before hundreds of voters in northwest Iowa on Saturday, in congenial individual conversations with their hosts not long after the campaign’s latest fractious debate. But off the stage at a small Christian college in Sioux Center, the rivals’ … Read more

The Anti-Spectacle of the Republican Debates

What were the takeaways from the final Republican debate of the year? Who won? Who lost? Were the various gaffes forgettable, or can they lodge themselves in the addled brain of a viewer in Iowa or New Hampshire, lasting there in the grooves well into mid-January, when she will go to put in her vote? … Read more

We can’t be ‘stupid’ enough to buy ‘TV-tough guy’ routine, again

RINDGE, N.H. — Surely, says Chris Christie, Republicans can’t be “stupid” enough to fall for Donald Trump’s “build a wall” routine again or anyone else employing it, right? That’s seems to be what Christie was wondering fresh off an Alabama stage, when he began a two-day tour of New Hampshire colleges early on Thursday in … Read more