Die Voigt-Wahl und der Schatten der AfD – POLITICO

Die Voigt-Wahl und der Schatten der AfD – POLITICO

Heute Thüringen, gestern Brandenburg, kommende Woche Sachsen. Im Osten hat das Wagenknecht-Bündnis bei jeder der Wahlen eines Ministerpräsidenten ein Wort mitzureden. In Brandenburg und Thüringen als Koalitionspartner, in Sachsen als Zünglein an der Waage für eine Minderheitsregierung. Während die Wahl von Dietmar Woidke zumindest im zweiten Wahlgang erledigt war, wird heute in Thüringen alles komplizierter. … Read more

Asylum for Afghan women might not be so straightforward – POLITICO

Asylum for Afghan women might not be so straightforward – POLITICO

“If you succeed and escape, you arrive in neighboring countries. But then you have to make the tough passage to Europe through mountains and smuggling routes — that’s very dangerous and very difficult. Women are more vulnerable, so they rarely travel on foot. The majority of Afghans who come to the EU are men,” he … Read more

How Poland and Hungary went from friends to foes – POLITICO

How Poland and Hungary went from friends to foes – POLITICO

Their parties were both in the conservative European People’s Party in the European Parliament, both had cut their teeth in the anti-communist opposition in the late 1980s, and both had often encountered each other as they rose through the ranks in their respective countries.   “Being in the same EU party and sharing a passion for … Read more

Czech government in disarray after poor election results – POLITICO

Czech government in disarray after poor election results – POLITICO

The Pirate Party leadership soon took up the cudgel, however. “We were kicked out of the government by ODS [Fiala’s ruling party] today, and it’s out of the question that we would come back to beg,” said Jakub Michálek, head of party’s parliamentary caucus. The Pirate Party is reportedly now considering leaving the coalition, which … Read more

Europe needs an ‘Abundance Agenda’ – POLITICO

Europe needs an ‘Abundance Agenda’ – POLITICO

Surprising? Not really. While the EU accounted for over 27 percent of the world’s GDP in 1990 — more than the U.S. at the time — today, its share is a little over 17 percent. And as Europe’s economic strength shrinks, the less it can project regulatory power on the world stage — a fact … Read more

UK’s Starmer urges European left to confront far-right ‘snake oil’ – POLITICO

UK’s Starmer urges European left to confront far-right ‘snake oil’ – POLITICO

“But I’d be really clear, it is something that occupies my time,” he said. “I do think in the end, delivery is the way forward. It’s about a disaffection in politics, the easy answer is appealing if people don’t think there’s a better answer, and so progressives have to provide the better answer.” POLITICO revealed … Read more

Slovakia’s Fico is back after being shot. So are the country’s protesters. – POLITICO

Slovakia’s Fico is back after being shot. So are the country’s protesters. – POLITICO

Change of direction After surviving the illiberal reign of Prime Minister Vladimír Mečiar in the 1990s, Slovakia elected a pro-Western government in 1998, putting itself back on track for NATO and EU membership, which it secured in 2002 and 2004 respectively. But after eight years of relentless reforms and creeping corruption, the electorate turned in … Read more

Mainstream parties need radical centrism — not populist mimicry – POLITICO

Mainstream parties need radical centrism — not populist mimicry – POLITICO

But while progressives may take some heart from this democratic alliance in the short-term, a lot more needs to be done than simply oppose. To win, democratic mainstream parties have to develop a new radical centrism. They need an injection of fresh ideas, fresh faces and a willingness to act on voters’ priorities with courage … Read more

Meloni was on her best behavior — now her mask is starting to slip – POLITICO

Meloni was on her best behavior — now her mask is starting to slip – POLITICO

However, the euroskeptics in Budapest or Bratislava don’t have the clout to hollow out the EU on their own. But if joined by founding members like Italy, and perhaps The Netherlands, their promise — or threat — of turning the bloc into a “Europe of nations” becomes ever more possible. Plus, for the right-wing populists … Read more

Europe’s alarming descent into extreme political acrimony and violence – POLITICO

Europe’s alarming descent into extreme political acrimony and violence – POLITICO

As these assassinations unfolded, some reassured themselves by arguing they were the bloody handiwork of crackpots and wackos. “There are more kinds of fools than one can guard against,” remarks a character in Joseph Conrad’s period-set novel, “The Secret Agent.” Today, it’s similarly hard not to categorize the 71-year-old Cintula — the politically fluid, sometimes … Read more